Monday, December 31, 2012


  1. 今年春节发生的方舟子和韩寒的论战意外地给几乎整个”微博界“带来了一场科普教育,也给我自己带来了深刻的影响。我借以去反思自己的思维模式,开始尝试着用科学的思维去思考问题、认识世界:拒绝中医;尝试以科学的知识指导饮食和锻炼身体; 开始学习关于大脑的知识和人类认知模式的缺陷。可以说,2012年是科学年。
  2. 薄熙来,王立军,薄谷开来,周永康,令计划,政坛上的各路神仙们粉墨登场,为十八大上演了一场场精彩绝伦的show。十八大虽然已经结束,但如何解决政治争议,如何选举领导人的问题却远远没有找到答案。政治,经济,民主,三个复杂的问题互相交织在一起,我们离正确的答案到底还有多远?
  3. 今年买了房子,正式迈入房奴阶层。3万一平的价格,四五年前哪里会想到房价能疯涨致如此。 合理或者不合理,房价涨跌的预测更像是一场赌博。这就好像2009年的股票,你以为自己知道,其实你什么都不知道。希望2013年能抽空学习一下房价的相关理论,至少应该知道自己知道什么,不知道什么。
  4. kindle给我带来了巨大的变化。 今年开始尝试着用kindle在Amazon上买书和杂志。这些优秀的英文杂志和书籍打开了一扇崭新的窗户,希望自己能用这扇窗户重新认识自己、社会以及环境。
  5. 2013年写了二十几篇博客,除了2006年,算是最高产的一年了。希望明年能保持这个趋势,多思考,多记录。
  6. 删除了MSN的帐号,并尝试着删除更多的无用互联网帐号。有时候,多不一定好,很多东西,够用用好就很不错了。毕竟人脑是非常limited。
  7. 个人生活有了重大变化,希望明年能翻开新的一页。(限于隐私,具体就不说了)

PS: 整个行文风格是模仿土摩托的2012年终总结,并于2013年来临前匆匆完成。

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Outlook2010's stupid category strategy

I switched to Windows 7 + outlook 2010 for my working laptop several weeks before.Then I found the color category always appear on email I send out and new email I get automatically. Finally Microsoft has confirmed it is caused by design.

I used to use color category to organize my email and divided them into "to-do" and "waiting" based on different priority. Now it doesn't work. And stupid outlook "follow up" flag couldn't change color. Right now I have to remove color category by hand on some email.

Email from Microsoft: Symptom: You are currently having a problem with categories on Outlook 2010 client. Specifically since the migration from Outlook 2003, you are seeing inconsistent behavior regarding the color categories. If you add a color category to an email and then reply, the category will be shown on the reply message as well. Other users don't have this problem so far. Cause: By design Resolution: If you put a category on an email when you receive it (a new email and not a reply from a conversation) the category information will follow on all the other replies that will be sent on this thread. Even though you later remove the category, if you reply to this email or any other email from the conversation, it will still keep the original category. However if you put a category on an email after you already sent and received emails on that conversation, and you then reply to that email, the reply will not have the category. To make sure the thread doesn’t contain category information you can click on the category square from the conversation title (the upper most header of a conversation) to clear all the categories from that thread. This is why you couldn’t reproduce the problem with a new email. I have confirmed this along several tests and even with an Escalation Engineer. It is considered by design because the information is stored on the entire conversation, but there are ways to avoid it if you place the category on the emails after sending at least one reply. Thank you for your collaboration, Best regards,