Tuesday, January 31, 2012





  • 大部分表态的作家和娱乐明星支持韩寒。部分媒体工作者也是如此。
  • 理科生和经济学家支持方舟子的多。当然他们也不是完全支持,提出了不少方质疑中的弱点和错误。
  • 方一方的论述多具体在细节。韩一方往往上升至民族大义,自由权利。认真回答方质疑细节的不多。
  • 不少文字工作者反对一切针对著作权的质疑,而且乱用比拟和比喻来证明方的荒谬。
  • 不少人讨论到著作权到底是只是证实,能不能证伪的问题。
  • 目前只见到安替发出的关于"静静的顿河"的国外分析案例。
  • 纸质媒体明显偏向韩寒。网络媒体中网易列出了双方的论据。腾讯貌似偏向韩寒,但后来专题被删。Sina,sohu未见相关专题。
  • 前两天韩寒高调宣称要去法院起诉方舟子侵犯名誉权。"正常人士"都认为韩寒的起诉是毫无道理的。不正常人士则认为方的做为已经超出了言论自由的边界。




Thursday, January 19, 2012

why we need single quote for awk

Today I need to use awk to add extra tabs and space to a long file. Then my first awk script begins.

awk is simple: /patter/'{action}'. You will see nearly every on-line introduction will tell you to add single quote to include actions. Sometimes single quote behavior is really strange in windows, but works well under Linux.

FinallyI realize single quote must be used to preserve bash to expand some special characters,like back-slash and stars, and pass them to awk. In Windows, dos/cmd has the different ways to do it, then you need different quote, see http://www.catonmat.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/awk1line.txt for example.


I am holding a whole day meeting to discuss about innovation. People talked a lot about it, but I am still not satisfied about it and have questions:

  • What actions do we have to archive our idea about innovation.
  • Do we really understand what innovation means?
I have some thinks about innovation. From my understanding, sometimes we misunderstand the difference between innovation/improvement/invention and others things. Innovation is a beautiful word, but what really does it mean?

For company, right product strategy is always more important than "innovation". What kind of product do you want to build? Then comes how to build this product with innovation idea.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Default action for SIGHUP

Q: Why program is killed if I log out the bash and why it survive if using nohup?

A: When log out, the bash will generate the SIGHUP to progress attached to it. If there is no default routine in progress to handle this signal, kernel will use the default action (terminate for SIGHUP).
More information see section 10.2 of "Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment" or http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/lk/lk-10.html .

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Why RSS fail

Recently I just realize how good the RSS did. By using RSS, you have kind of information center to read all interesting information from different site and it is a good idea. It is similar with email but only with one direction.

But seems RSS is not popular any more, we talk with twitter, facebook, G+ and many others. But why not RSS.

This is a interesting thing and worth to think.