Monday, November 19, 2012


Wang Pei的某篇blogger谈到了放弃智能手机,之前新浪微薄上的和菜头也宣布放弃微博。这两件事情粗看反映的都是由于技术进步而造成的信息过载问题,英剧黑镜子中的某集(能够回放所有视觉信息的装置)反映的其实也是类似的问题。手机和微博的实质都是供给信息,很明显,绝大多数人都喜欢阅读这类信息。这是因为我们会在阅读信息的时候产生”快感“,实质就是某种多巴胺(Dopamine)的分泌。国外有不少关于social media和Dopamine关系的报道,比如

从某种程度上来说,人类还没有脱离远古的hunter模式。手机/微博阅读,游戏,本质上都是Dopamine驱动的seeking reward。手机/微博的阅读都是短阅读,更容易产生持续不断的reward。但大量同质的信息可能容易让人产生疲惫感,而且Dopamin的分泌和任务的难易程度有关。最佳的Dopamine分泌应该是在完成有一定难度的任务后分泌的。从这个程度讲,我猜想Wang Pei和和菜头远离微博的原因其实是大量持续同质信息引起的大脑疲倦。大脑需要新的,更有挑战性的刺激才能分泌出Dopamine。


Saturday, November 03, 2012

I3-wm: container VS windows

In I3-wm 4.3, container and windows is a little confused and complex. I try to give a easy understand introduction

First thing you need to understand is that I3 is tiling window manager which means each application couldn't have overlap and only are allowed to put into each "container". You could image you screen as a excel sheet which have many cells. And your application could only stay in cells.

Second, your screen is just a container.And it is possible to divide it into many smaller containers. And these smaller containers are "equal" which means they have to sit side by side (horizontal) or top by top (vertical). For example, you could dive screen into three equal rectangles side by side. But how about if you want two big rectangles and two small rectangles? Yes, you could divide one big rectangle into two small rectangles.From there you could understand that container is physical cells on your screen and you could use horizontal/vertical arrangement to organize them.

Third is windows. Container is physical screen and you could put several windows into one container. But all the windows are same size with container and they are face to face sit. You could use "stack" or "tab" to switch.