Monday, December 31, 2012


  1. 今年春节发生的方舟子和韩寒的论战意外地给几乎整个”微博界“带来了一场科普教育,也给我自己带来了深刻的影响。我借以去反思自己的思维模式,开始尝试着用科学的思维去思考问题、认识世界:拒绝中医;尝试以科学的知识指导饮食和锻炼身体; 开始学习关于大脑的知识和人类认知模式的缺陷。可以说,2012年是科学年。
  2. 薄熙来,王立军,薄谷开来,周永康,令计划,政坛上的各路神仙们粉墨登场,为十八大上演了一场场精彩绝伦的show。十八大虽然已经结束,但如何解决政治争议,如何选举领导人的问题却远远没有找到答案。政治,经济,民主,三个复杂的问题互相交织在一起,我们离正确的答案到底还有多远?
  3. 今年买了房子,正式迈入房奴阶层。3万一平的价格,四五年前哪里会想到房价能疯涨致如此。 合理或者不合理,房价涨跌的预测更像是一场赌博。这就好像2009年的股票,你以为自己知道,其实你什么都不知道。希望2013年能抽空学习一下房价的相关理论,至少应该知道自己知道什么,不知道什么。
  4. kindle给我带来了巨大的变化。 今年开始尝试着用kindle在Amazon上买书和杂志。这些优秀的英文杂志和书籍打开了一扇崭新的窗户,希望自己能用这扇窗户重新认识自己、社会以及环境。
  5. 2013年写了二十几篇博客,除了2006年,算是最高产的一年了。希望明年能保持这个趋势,多思考,多记录。
  6. 删除了MSN的帐号,并尝试着删除更多的无用互联网帐号。有时候,多不一定好,很多东西,够用用好就很不错了。毕竟人脑是非常limited。
  7. 个人生活有了重大变化,希望明年能翻开新的一页。(限于隐私,具体就不说了)

PS: 整个行文风格是模仿土摩托的2012年终总结,并于2013年来临前匆匆完成。

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Outlook2010's stupid category strategy

I switched to Windows 7 + outlook 2010 for my working laptop several weeks before.Then I found the color category always appear on email I send out and new email I get automatically. Finally Microsoft has confirmed it is caused by design.

I used to use color category to organize my email and divided them into "to-do" and "waiting" based on different priority. Now it doesn't work. And stupid outlook "follow up" flag couldn't change color. Right now I have to remove color category by hand on some email.

Email from Microsoft: Symptom: You are currently having a problem with categories on Outlook 2010 client. Specifically since the migration from Outlook 2003, you are seeing inconsistent behavior regarding the color categories. If you add a color category to an email and then reply, the category will be shown on the reply message as well. Other users don't have this problem so far. Cause: By design Resolution: If you put a category on an email when you receive it (a new email and not a reply from a conversation) the category information will follow on all the other replies that will be sent on this thread. Even though you later remove the category, if you reply to this email or any other email from the conversation, it will still keep the original category. However if you put a category on an email after you already sent and received emails on that conversation, and you then reply to that email, the reply will not have the category. To make sure the thread doesn’t contain category information you can click on the category square from the conversation title (the upper most header of a conversation) to clear all the categories from that thread. This is why you couldn’t reproduce the problem with a new email. I have confirmed this along several tests and even with an Escalation Engineer. It is considered by design because the information is stored on the entire conversation, but there are ways to avoid it if you place the category on the emails after sending at least one reply. Thank you for your collaboration, Best regards,

Monday, November 19, 2012


Wang Pei的某篇blogger谈到了放弃智能手机,之前新浪微薄上的和菜头也宣布放弃微博。这两件事情粗看反映的都是由于技术进步而造成的信息过载问题,英剧黑镜子中的某集(能够回放所有视觉信息的装置)反映的其实也是类似的问题。手机和微博的实质都是供给信息,很明显,绝大多数人都喜欢阅读这类信息。这是因为我们会在阅读信息的时候产生”快感“,实质就是某种多巴胺(Dopamine)的分泌。国外有不少关于social media和Dopamine关系的报道,比如

从某种程度上来说,人类还没有脱离远古的hunter模式。手机/微博阅读,游戏,本质上都是Dopamine驱动的seeking reward。手机/微博的阅读都是短阅读,更容易产生持续不断的reward。但大量同质的信息可能容易让人产生疲惫感,而且Dopamin的分泌和任务的难易程度有关。最佳的Dopamine分泌应该是在完成有一定难度的任务后分泌的。从这个程度讲,我猜想Wang Pei和和菜头远离微博的原因其实是大量持续同质信息引起的大脑疲倦。大脑需要新的,更有挑战性的刺激才能分泌出Dopamine。


Saturday, November 03, 2012

I3-wm: container VS windows

In I3-wm 4.3, container and windows is a little confused and complex. I try to give a easy understand introduction

First thing you need to understand is that I3 is tiling window manager which means each application couldn't have overlap and only are allowed to put into each "container". You could image you screen as a excel sheet which have many cells. And your application could only stay in cells.

Second, your screen is just a container.And it is possible to divide it into many smaller containers. And these smaller containers are "equal" which means they have to sit side by side (horizontal) or top by top (vertical). For example, you could dive screen into three equal rectangles side by side. But how about if you want two big rectangles and two small rectangles? Yes, you could divide one big rectangle into two small rectangles.From there you could understand that container is physical cells on your screen and you could use horizontal/vertical arrangement to organize them.

Third is windows. Container is physical screen and you could put several windows into one container. But all the windows are same size with container and they are face to face sit. You could use "stack" or "tab" to switch.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Reading note 1 -- the moral landscope (chapter 3)

Do we have freedom belief

  • A belief -- to be actually believed -- entails the corollary belief that we have accepted ti because it seems to be true.
  • This does not mean, of course, that we have no mental freedom whatsoever. We can choose to focus on certain facts to the exclusion of others, to emphasize the good rather than the bad.
  • What this shows is that people tend to be risk-averse when considering potential gains and risk seeking when considering potential losses, so describing the same event in terms of gains and losses evokes different response.
  • It is startling to see the principle so clearly demonstrated: expectation can be, if not everything, almost everything. Rosenhan concluded his paper with the damning summary:"it is clear that we cannot distinguish the sane from the insane in psychiatric hospital."

Sunday, October 07, 2012


推荐think fast and slow这本书。简单的说人类的大脑就是由反应迅速(直觉)但算法固定的FPGA和启动缓慢,能耗极大,算法不固定的CPU系统组成。而且人类是一个奇怪的物种,我们总是倾向于生活在一个确定性的世界中,即使这个确定性有可能是错误和有缺陷的。





Tuesday, September 04, 2012


2012年35期的三联是土耳其专版,讲述了土耳其的历史,文化和现状。 按照土摩托的说法,土耳其和中国在20世纪初是极为相似的。曾经伟大的帝国面临衰落,旧有的经济社会体制急需改革。和中国不同,土耳其的前身奥斯曼帝国是一个多民族组成的庞大帝国,在外部巨大的压力之下,整个帝国瓦解了,只留下了所谓“纯血”的突厥人和其领土。而中国则基本保留了民族完整性和领土完整性(当然外蒙古独立出去了)。


更为有趣的问题是,人和人的差别其实是巨大的,为什么民族这样一个简单的标识会被普遍用来标识我和“非我”,而随着社会的进步,人们则更趋向于利用更为复杂的因子来标识自我。这是不是由人类的大脑结构决定的? 是否存在某种机制来减弱和强化自我的标识?

Sunday, July 01, 2012


今天以800块钱的价格将3月份买的Ten3 tablet出售了。出售的最重要原因是,手头的kindle4和Ten3对于我而言功能重合,而kindle4的表现更好。




Friday, June 29, 2012

Reading note 1 on "Beyong feelings"

Watson is the "father of behviorism" and advised the advertisers to "tell [consumer] something that will tie him up with fear, something that will stir up a mild rage, taht will call out an affectation or love response, or strike at a deep psychological or babit need." His attitude toward the consumer is "the consumer is t to manufacturer, the department stores and the advertising agencies, what the green frog is to the phsyologist."

The educator has observed that when the children saw themselves as stuipd in a particular subject, they unconsciously acted to confirm their self-image. They belived they are stupid, so they acted that way.

Malts's research documents that lack of confidence impedes performance, a valueable insight.

  1. Treat your fist reaction to any person, issue, or situdation as tentative.
  2. Decide why you reacted as you didi.
  3. Think of other possible reactions.
  4. Ask yourself whether one of the other reaction is more appropriate than your first reacting.

Most of us most of time do not think at all. We believe and we fell, but we do not think.

John Devey once observed that more of our time than most of us care to admit is spent "trifling with mental pictures, random recollections, pleasant but unfounded hopes, flitting, half-developed impressions."

Critical thinking and discussion

  1. Whenever possible, prepare in advance.
  2. Set reasonable expectation.
  3. Leave egotism and personal agenda at the door.
  4. Contribuate but dont' dominate
  5. Avoid distracting speech mannerisms
  6. Listen actively
  7. Judge ideas responsibly
  8. Resist the urge to hout or interrupt

Saturday, June 09, 2012

how does android pad know your country

Google market is a little suck since what you see is related your country. For example, you couldn't buy any paid app if you are in China or you couldn't download Chrome browser if you are not in US.

it is easy for phone to hack it. Android use your sim card's operator number to distinguish where you from. There are many ways to modify operator number,like APP marketenabler. But for android pad which doesn't have SIM card, there is no application or article on the internet to tell you how to hack it. I try to turn off the location identify in setting and also try to use vpn to visit google android with US IP. But none of them work.

I guess there is not so many android pad in the world, otherwise hacker will do it.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012







克拉申认为:简单来说,语言的掌握,无论是第一语言还是第二语言,都是在“可理解的”真实语句发生 (即我们前面探讨的有效的声音,也就是可以懂意思的外语)下实现的;都是在放松的不反感的条件下接受的;它不需要“有意识地”学习,训练和使用语法知识;它不能一夜速成,开始时会比较慢,说的能力比听的能力实现得晚。所以最好的方法就是针对以上语言实现的特点来设计的。


Wrong:要有语言环境, 多跟外国人交流,最好是能出国,不久自然就能会说了。Right:语音专家发现,成年人要想纠正自己的发音,不能只听标准发音,而是要听大量的“非标准发音”。发音不准的主要原因不是嘴的问题,而是耳朵的问题。


1, 背英文单词本身并不难。用比较巧妙的方法,大部分英文单词很快可记下来。 2, 常用的 5000以下的单词,对英文思维要求很高,要达到听到后马上反应的是该词表达的事物本身而非中文解释,否则听力障碍太大。 3, 因为 5000个常用词以上的单词,出现的几率较小,就算用先中文记忆也没有太大关系,效率反而高。大家不要在这些单词上追求立即达到英文思维。熟悉后有机会再慢慢转就是了,不必钻牛角尖。 4, 英文字的阅读和拼写,对中国同学来讲是很容易掌握的,大家以后找个有关英文和拼写读音规律的解说,看一下就好,一共也就两三页。在开始阶段,要把精力重点花在掌握声音上,不要依赖读文字,也不要抄写。 5, 将来如果有哪个中国的投资者愿意去国外投资办教育,咱们可以跟李博士到美国去教他们识字去,给他们一些color see see。


第二阶段的策略讲到此处差不多了。总之,这一阶段的主要任务是练习听力,而关键是找 “可理解性的入。”这种输入可以来自老师,来自多媒体教程,来自外语环境的某些特定场景,等等。关键点再给大家总结一下: 1, 千万不要着急学文字,语言掌握的关键解决 “声音”。 2, 不依赖语法知识和中文翻译,重点是 “猜测”着听。 3, 参考 Series Method, Dialogue Generation。 4, 在后期能听懂简单段落和简单对话时,可以模仿和重复一些句子并尝试自己说。 5, 最后,可以开始阅读一些与听到的对话有关的文字。注意一定要在听之后才能读,千万不能一发现听不懂马上去翻看文字来帮忙。

Friday, April 13, 2012

Ten3 update

Last night I try to update to Ten3 V3 SW which works very well. First, download the V3 from this link Then download package which fix the font and wifi icons issue Third, download Google application from CM7 This package will fix the google calendar synchronize issue. The root zip for V2 could also be used for V3.

First flash the V3 SW, then flash the package 2 which fix the font and wifi icons, then flash the google application package. Finally flash root if you want.

After update, the Google calendar could synchronize with server, the iptable and tun kernel module could be loaded. But pptp/l2tp still don't work.

Saturday, March 31, 2012


这两天为了让手头的山寨Android tablet Ten3翻墙,折腾了半天。虽然最后还是没能成功,但对伟大的GFW和如何翻墙,有了更多的认识。

翻墙之前的首先要了解GFW是如何干扰网络连接的,具体可见 GFW封锁网络的几种常用方法。干扰大体可以分为DNS干扰,IP封锁,TCP连接干扰,SSL干扰。翻墙的方法虽然千差万别,但基本思路都是一样:建立本地和国外服务器的加密通道,将本地的DNS查询连接,HTTP/HTTPS中转至国外服务器。对于DNS服务,除了加密中转通道,还需要设置正确的DNS服务器(like Google or opendns)来解决DNS劫持问题。

从上面可以看到,利用国外服务器建立加密中转通道是翻墙的关键。TCP/IP连接是分层架构,因此较高层上的加密中转只能适应部分程序。openvpn/l2tp/pptp都是较低层面的加密连接,可以让所有的本地连接加密中转。SSH的socket proxy可以加密中转http/https的接连。需要注意的是http proxy并不能处理ftp和https的中转。https的中转需要socket proxy来处理。

除了国外服务器,加密中转的另外一个问题就是如何将本地连接转发至加密通道上。openvpn/l2tp/pptp在内核空间增加了一个network adapter,所以只需要通过路由表就可以进行转发。对于http/socket proxy通道,如果application支持proxy,则可以自动转发;反之则需要利用iptables将http/https连接通过transparent SOCKS proxy转成socket proxy。

当加密中转连接到到服务器端时,还需要在服务器端做一些设置以便进行中转。openvpn/l2tp/pptp是通过iptables在内核实现转发。ssh即可以利用-D选择转发socket,或者利用端口映射将socket转发至socket proxy或者http proxy。

l2tp和pptp是大多数android设备都默认支持的VPN。但很多router或者firewall不支持pptp,常常会遇见一些莫名其妙的问题。openvpn需要android内核支持tun.ko模块。同时android还需要有binary openvpn application。整个安装过程较为复杂。

sshtunnel/gaeproxy是socket/http level的加密中转,因此需要利用到android中的iptable及相应的kernel module。

Ten3由于没有iptable相应模块。所以无法使用ssh。 pptp和/l2tp的binary application貌似有问题,无法连接pptpd服务端。但万幸的是tun.ko模块原生自带,只要在市场下载openvpn installer和openvpn setting就可以使用了。为避免dns污染,还需要装一个改变dns的软件。

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

枪炮,细菌和钢铁 - 3





枪炮,细菌和钢铁 - 2




Wednesday, March 14, 2012

枪炮,细菌和钢铁 - 1

新买了一个1.5k的10 inch Android tablet Ten3,中国的山寨货自然是毛病一堆,不过对于只是上网,偶尔玩游戏,主要用来看扫描版PDF的需求,自然是够用了。买回来后尝试着用自带的智阅看了扫描版的“枪炮,细菌和钢铁”,感觉真的很不错,比电脑和手机上的阅读体验强多了。不过不知道和10 inch的kindle相比,哪个更舒服些。



作者还谈到了为什么橡树的橡实不能像水稻和小麦一样很容易被人类驯化。橡实驯化困难的原因很多,但其中之一就是橡树成长需要10年以上的时间,这大大增大了驯化所需要的时间,减少了驯化实验的次数。这其实和之前单靠人力飞行英吉利海峡的挑战一样,成功的关键在于缩短实验的时间,增大实验次数。这个道理其实对于软硬件设计也同样使用。目前的很多设计由于变量太多,较为复杂,很难在设计前通过仿真和计算的方法确认好所有的参数。这时try and cut就成了产品设计成功的关键所在。

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Reinstall Archlinux on usbstick

The default Archlinux installer has issue to install grub into usbstick. I have to install grub in my old Archlinux system. I have to use map according to wiki.archlinux to use grub to boot Windows Vista.

The pgp server ( is valid, but also has issue.

The urxvt will also read .Xdefaults when starting. But xrdb is needed to use .Xresources. .Xdefaults is deprecated.

It will save lots of time if using *.pkg in /var/cache/pacman/pkg.

package list:
  • xorg-server xorg-xinit xorg-xhost xorg-xrdb xf86-input-mouse xf86-input-keyboard xf86-input-synaptics xf86-video-intel intel-dri
  • i3-wm i3status i3lock dmenu urxvt-unicode screen dzen2
  • croine acpi acpid cpufrequtils esmtp bc fakeroot
  • chromium qterm-unstable dbus fcitx alsa-utils flashplugin
  • opendesktop-fonts wqy-bitmapfont wqy-zenhei wqy-microhei ttf-dejavu ttf-droid xorg-fonts-100dpi xorg-fonts-75dpi

Tuesday, February 28, 2012



部分Algorithm显然是由内在的gene决定的,比如母性和某些性格特征。血统论虽然之前被认为荒谬,但我相信随着科学的不断发展,我们还是能看到某些合理的地方。但"excellent gene"能否遗传,还需要更多的研究。



Friday, February 17, 2012


  • 韩寒从头到尾都没有拿出可信的证据和正面的反驳。
  • 每次韩寒的反驳或其队友的助阵都会引出更多的疑点。
  • “公知”和“良心媒体”暴露了自己的无知和狭隘。
  • 中国媒体最需要克服的问题不是土共的压制,而是自身profession能力的提高。

Tuesday, January 31, 2012





  • 大部分表态的作家和娱乐明星支持韩寒。部分媒体工作者也是如此。
  • 理科生和经济学家支持方舟子的多。当然他们也不是完全支持,提出了不少方质疑中的弱点和错误。
  • 方一方的论述多具体在细节。韩一方往往上升至民族大义,自由权利。认真回答方质疑细节的不多。
  • 不少文字工作者反对一切针对著作权的质疑,而且乱用比拟和比喻来证明方的荒谬。
  • 不少人讨论到著作权到底是只是证实,能不能证伪的问题。
  • 目前只见到安替发出的关于"静静的顿河"的国外分析案例。
  • 纸质媒体明显偏向韩寒。网络媒体中网易列出了双方的论据。腾讯貌似偏向韩寒,但后来专题被删。Sina,sohu未见相关专题。
  • 前两天韩寒高调宣称要去法院起诉方舟子侵犯名誉权。"正常人士"都认为韩寒的起诉是毫无道理的。不正常人士则认为方的做为已经超出了言论自由的边界。




Thursday, January 19, 2012

why we need single quote for awk

Today I need to use awk to add extra tabs and space to a long file. Then my first awk script begins.

awk is simple: /patter/'{action}'. You will see nearly every on-line introduction will tell you to add single quote to include actions. Sometimes single quote behavior is really strange in windows, but works well under Linux.

FinallyI realize single quote must be used to preserve bash to expand some special characters,like back-slash and stars, and pass them to awk. In Windows, dos/cmd has the different ways to do it, then you need different quote, see for example.


I am holding a whole day meeting to discuss about innovation. People talked a lot about it, but I am still not satisfied about it and have questions:

  • What actions do we have to archive our idea about innovation.
  • Do we really understand what innovation means?
I have some thinks about innovation. From my understanding, sometimes we misunderstand the difference between innovation/improvement/invention and others things. Innovation is a beautiful word, but what really does it mean?

For company, right product strategy is always more important than "innovation". What kind of product do you want to build? Then comes how to build this product with innovation idea.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Default action for SIGHUP

Q: Why program is killed if I log out the bash and why it survive if using nohup?

A: When log out, the bash will generate the SIGHUP to progress attached to it. If there is no default routine in progress to handle this signal, kernel will use the default action (terminate for SIGHUP).
More information see section 10.2 of "Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment" or .

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Why RSS fail

Recently I just realize how good the RSS did. By using RSS, you have kind of information center to read all interesting information from different site and it is a good idea. It is similar with email but only with one direction.

But seems RSS is not popular any more, we talk with twitter, facebook, G+ and many others. But why not RSS.

This is a interesting thing and worth to think.